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Conjugación de swear

to swearjurar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I swearyo juro
you sweartú juras
he swearsél jura
she swearsella jura
we swearnosotros juramos
you swearvosotros juráis
they swearellos juran
they swearellas juran

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I sworeyo juré
you sworetú juraste
he sworeél juró
she sworeella juró
we sworenosotros juramos
you sworevosotros jurasteis
they sworeellos juraron
they sworeellas juraron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have swornyo he jurado
you have sworntú has jurado
he has swornél ha jurado
she has swornella ha jurado
we have swornnosotros hemos jurado
you have swornvosotros habéis jurado
they have swornellos han jurado
they have swornellas han jurado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had swornyo había jurado
you had sworntú habías jurado
he had swornél había jurado
she had swornella había jurado
we had swornnosotros habíamos jurado
you had swornvosotros habíais jurado
they had swornellos habían jurado
they had swornellas habían jurado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will swearyo juraré
you will sweartú jurarás
he will swearél jurará
she will swearella jurará
we will swearnosotros juraremos
you will swearvosotros juraréis
they will swearellos jurarán
they will swearellas jurarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have swornyo habré jurado
you will have sworntú habrás jurado
he will have swornél habrá jurado
she will have swornella habrá jurado
we will have swornnosotros habremos jurado
you will have swornvosotros habréis jurado
they will have swornellos habrán jurado
they will have swornellas habrán jurado

I would swearyo juraría
you would sweartú jurarías
he would swearél juraría
she would swearella juraría
we would swearnosotros juraríamos
you would swearvosotros juraríais
they would swearellos jurarían
they would swearellas jurarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have swornyo habría jurado
you would have sworntú habrías jurado
he would have swornél habría jurado
she would have swornella habría jurado
we would have swornnosotros habríamos jurado
you would have swornvosotros habríais jurado
they would have swornellos habrían jurado
they would have swornellas habrían jurado

Participio presenteAnotado
swearing jurando

Participio pasadoAnotado
sworn jurado

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